Located in the centre of Ilkley, we are pleased to welcome members and visitors to our well established club. Each week, there will usually be seven sessions in the club at 12 Wells Promenade. These are Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday evenings with play starting at 7.05pm, Wednesday morning at 9.55am and on Monday, Thursday and Friday afternoons at 1.45pm. There will be pivot teams on the second Friday evening and students social sessions on occasional Fridays at 7pm. We also run two on-line sessions each week on Monday (BBO) and Thursday (Real Bridge) at 7.15pm. Please see the calendar and competitions for more details of all of our events.
Our Monday afternoon and Wednesday morning sessions are guided and hosted. They are designed for less experienced players and do not earn Masterpoints.
We would politely request visitors to arrive 15 minutes before the session starts and all members to be seated in good time to assist the TD and scorer to set up the movement. Upon arrival please remember to switch all mobile devices to silent.
We will invoice players for all sessions played and this will be £2.75 members, £3.75 non members. Members can log in to see their own personal account. Please settle your accounts by BACS if at all possible (otherwise by cheque). As our bank now charges for cash deposits we can no longer accept payment by cash.
Note our Wednesday evening duplicate Pairs are now hosted so you can come to this evening session without a partner and be guaranteed a game.
Yorkshire League |
 The f2f Yorkshire League seventh and final round of matches will be on Sunday 16th March as follows
Legates v York B AWAY
Tribunes v Harrogate B HOME
Centurions v Doncaster C HOME
Legionaires v Bradford D HOME
Optios v Huddersfield E AWAY
Latest League Tables
Northern Easter Festival |
 The Northern Easter Festival takes place at the Crowne Plaza Hotel in Harrogate from Saturday 19th to Sunday 20th April. On Saturday there is a Swiss Pairs (7 x 7 board matches) and a Nine High Swiss Pairs (5 x 5 board matches). On Sunday there will be Swiss Teams with 7 x 7 board matches. For more details see
Festival 9 High Swiss Pairs
Festival Swiss Pairs and Teams
Guided Bridge |
We run two sessions of Guided Bridge each week for less experienced players in the club on Monday afternoon (1.45pm start) and Wednesday morning (9.55am start). So do come along and enjoy a friendly, relaxed session lasting about two hours. There is a host available for our guided bridge sessions so you don't need a partner.
Our next Stepping Stones in the Club will be on Friday 21st March at 7pm. Specifically for those making the transition to playing bridge in a Club setting but open to anyone wanting a gentle, social and supportive bridge evening, No partner required and a bar is available.
Learning to play Bridge |
Here at Olicana we are keen to encourage as many as possible to be able to enjoy the marvellous game of bridge. Our 2024/5 classes are now underway but please do contact us if you are interested in a future course. We run courses from absolute beginners onwards. Please click here to register your interest in any future course. Our next courses will begin in September 2025.
Playing on line in Club events |
Most weeks we have two on line Duplicate Pairs earning master points. Typically, we run a 20 board Duplicate Pairs on BBO on Monday evening starting at 7.15pm and Thursday evening Duplicate Pairs on Real Bridge at 7.15pm. Detailed instructions on how to play in each event can be downloaded from the links below.
How to play in BBO club room
How to play on Real Bridge
Note direct links to the Real Bridge sessions will be posted on the calendar entry at least 24 hours before the event to simplify login.
The Real Bridge Support Team has provided notes on resolving problems using Real Bridge. Click HERE for more information.